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Temparature: 25.17°C

Humidity: 90

Date: January 18, 2025

Time: 05:21 AM


What is the check in and check out time?

The official check in time is 1400hrs and the checkout time is at 1200hrs.
Early check in and late check out will be subjected to additional charges accordingly.

Will I be charged for my room booking if I do not turn up at the hotel for check in?

Yes, the hotel will imposed a 1 night room charge for any non-arrival to the credit card provided.
Cancellations must be made at least 24hrs prior to the day of arrival to avoid incurring any room charges.

Does the hotel have family rooms?

Yes. The hotel does have family rooms, with 2 queen size beds, that can comfortably accommodate up
to either 2 adults and 3 children below 12 years or 3 adults and 2 children below the age of 12 years.

Does the hotel have serviced apartment accommodation?

Yes. The hotel have serviced apartments that can cater to guests whom would
like to stay for a longer period of time and yet enjoy the comfort of home style living.
Amenities include a separate living room, kitchen facilities and washer/dryer.

Is smoking allowed in the hotel room?

Smoking is not allowed in all our hotel guest rooms.
A penalty of S$200 will be imposed to the guest for any violation of this offence.

Does the hotel provide car parking facility?

The hotel provides complimentary carpark facilities for all our hotel registered guests.
However, only 2 complimentary carpark passes per day per room will be provided.

Does the hotel provide WIFI?

The hotel provides complimentary WIFI for all our hotel guests.

Does the hotel provide the guest with international multi adaptors?

All the hotel guest rooms have a build in wall mounted international adaptor for our guests’ usage.

Is there a place that I can do my laundry?

The hotel has a laundromat within the premises, with washing and drying capabilities.
Washing is chargeable at S$4 per load and drying is at S$3 per load.
Laundry services are also provided at affordable pricing.

Is Halal food available in the hotel?

Yes. The hotel has a café that serves fully certified Halal cuisines.

How do I go to Orchard Road?

Orchard road is accessible from the hotel by taking a short walk of approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Alternatively, there is numerous bus services that ply the main road located near the rear entrance of
the hotel that goes to Orchard and the duration taken is approximately about 5 minutes or less.